Athena's Justice and Prowdist Monkey's Lair


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What A Fun Little Flamer We Have!


Now, this is a complex story, and one that is so terribly amusing that we just have to share it. Ciel Envoye is an alias of Sailor Europa, author of 'Rouge'. Ciel-Envoye (notice the hyphen, which makes her a completely different person, of course...) is a person who claims to have written 'Rouge' and given it to someone on on MSN to edit. Do we believe, not so much. But, the flames are greatly entertaining. And, because this person provides such great entertainment for all, she gets her very own page!

In which Athena and Prowdist flame the plagerist, the plagerist flames back, and Wreaker of Havoc melts said plagerist's flame into "vaugely acidic nuclear ash"
In which Athena (under the alias Lyra) critiques the another of the plagerist's flames, the plagerist bites back, and Lyra's "little friends" (namely Wreaker's personality splinters) arrive in full glory to introduce themselves.

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